Drawing with Ground 
(Drawing Ground)
This design investigation explored the possibility of when Ground is given primacy throughout a design process. The final design outcome resulted in the design of a ‘Ground canopy’, a mid-sized design experiment.

“To be entangled is not simply to be intertwined with another, as in the joining of separate entities, but to lack an independent, self-contained existence. Existence is not an individual affair. Individuals do not pre exist their interactions; rather, individuals emerge through and as part of their entangled intra-relating.”
Karen Barad 

My relationship to Ground is explored through the provocation of ‘entanglement’. Barad’s definition of entanglement was used as a design driver, as a way of communicating dynamics of the relationship between myself and the ground. By using this theory of entanglement to understand such complex relation, a question was posed: How am I entangled with the surface of ground?

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