The Parkin Prize - The New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts
The Parkin Drawing Prize is Aotearoa New Zealand’s premier award for drawing.

The Old house/ What is Drawing Research? - Te Auhaha Gallery (NZ), Birmingham School of Art (UK).   
This exhibition is part of an ongoing project in expanding the limits of architectural drawing through abstract drawing methods.

Community of Practise - Thistle Hall, Wellington.
Ongoing Artist collective prioritising creative practise while also stimulating community engagement in art and architecture.

On Archictecture  - Windy Workshops, Wellington  
Masters Thesis group exhibition speculating on architecture’s relationship to the environement.                    
Student Design Awards Finalist Exhibition - Te Herenga Waka, Wellington  
 Masters Thesis selected to represent Te Herenga Waka in the New Zealands Institute of Architects Design competition.   
Drawing Ensemble  - Te Aro’s Window Gallery
Joint Exhibtion with Guy Van der Wilt showcasing the Analogue drawing methods in Architecture.  

House and Home  - Thistle Hall, Wellington
Group exhibition investigating temporal relationships to home during Covid 19 lockdowns. ellarobynjones@gmail.com 
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